Clark Mullen

Run For Ernie

Run For Ernie

This October, I'll be taking on Sense's Run For challenge to raise money for people with complex disabilities and their families.

I’ll be running for Ernie, an amazing child who’s supported by Sense.

With Sense’s support, he took his first steps and said his first word!

I hope that you’ll support me, and children like Ernie, by sponsoring me with a donation. And keep following my progress here to see how many miles I clock!

My Achievements

Goal setter
Set your fundraising target

Shared Page

Ready, steady – donate
First donation

T-shirt unlocked
£25 raised

Gold standard fundraiser
£100 raised

Medal unlocked
£150 raised

Champion fundraiser
£250 raised

Over the starting line
First run logged

Flying start
5K logged

The extra mile
10K logged

Can't keep up
Half marathon logged

Sense sprint superstar
Marathon completed

My Updates

Clark's progress

Friday 21st Oct

Day 21 and I’ve completed 18.6 miles so far. During my challenge I’ve split my runs in to 5K’s as it’s been about a year since I’ve run regularly. So far, I’ve got my time down to 23 minutes and 18 seconds. I’ve been enjoying each run more and more as I approach my end goal. Don’t get me wrong, some runs have been challenging but the motivation of knowing that my progress is making a difference to Ernie has kept me going. With the home stretch in sight, I’m feeling positive and have my next run booked in for Sunday morning. So, think of me, sprinting through the rain, as you sip your tea and enjoy Sunday breakfast. At the end of October, I’ll have completed 26.2 miles but save the champagne, dig deep and donate instead.



Thank you to my Sponsors


Tom Duke

You better finish or I want a refund


Daniel Fisher


Angela Steel

Go Clark